Aaron Bell

Artist Status: 
Working Tattoo Artist


About Me

I started tattooing in the early 80's. It was not my main source of income at the time and I struggled throughout the years to enlighten myself about the evasive, secretive world of tattooing. Finally in '94 I got my big break and received an apprenticeship. Once I obtained that 'secret' knowledge from my boss and co-workers, I traded in my old addictions for a new one, tattooing. As of fall 2007 I've received over 100 awards. I have been a member of the Alliance of Professional Tattooists and the National Tattoo Association since the start of my "professional" career. I am always striving to further my education in all aspects of tattooing, from the technical to the prevention of disease transmission.

I have many influences and mentors in the business, including the incredibly talented group of artists at Slave to the Needle (which I own and operate). I am learning from each and every one of them daily and it's great to be immersed in such a creative environment. I am very happy about what I do. Thanks to all who've inspired me and to all of you for the trust and for keeping it interesting for me. As I like to say, "This sure beats working!"

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