Amber leonard

amber leonard

Are you a professional model? : 
Which is your favourite tattoo, where is it, and who did it?: 
it would have to be my left sleeve because i have had something put on there for my whole family and it means alot to me and it was done by Eric Allman at Over The Edge W.C. Tattoo
Who have you been tattooed by?: 
I have been tattooed by a few different artist but have had them all covered or redone by Eric Allman...
What are your hobbies?: 
I obviously love pain, because ink has become a huge passion and part of my life. but other then getting ink thrown on me...i love to hang out with my kids, ride and fix my quad, i love mudding and fishing,outdoors is where i love to be and thats how i got the nick name BACK WOODS BARBIE....
What is your dream tattoo and who by?: 
I am very loyal to my Artist, Eric Allman so all my tattoos will be done by him...and my dream tattoo??? well i guess i dont just have one my dream is to be full of beautiful ink that all others can admire and so far im living it.....
If you could be someone famous, who would you be?: 
Lets see, If i could be Famous who would I be? i guess i would want to be myself just Famous. I admire alot of woman but i dont think i would want to be anyone else, we all have amazing talents and personalities and i just happen to love who i am and who i will become....

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amber leonard
amber leonard